Exclusions and Our Client’s Own Risk Assessment
Services excluded and Cautions to Clients.Exclusions and Our Client’s Own Risk Assessment :
The given system is remote based Integrated Project Management System.
We are not going to recruit Project Managers or Site Supervisors.
However we shall monitor remotely the following parties remotely if recruited by clients/contractors.
1: Third Party Inspection
2:Third Party Quality Control
3:Third Party for Listing Snagging
4:Third Party for Hand Over
5:Third Parties for Testing Commissioning
At the end of every month client needs to send us hand sketched clouded A3 scanned As built drawings so we will convert to Cad based clouded drawings and proceed to all post construction activities.
Our Material Submittal-Material Approval-Material Planning-Material Procurement is limited to long lead items and some selective items/equipments only.
We are completely excluding Material Inventory Control Programme from our Programme of Construction Management and our Procurement programme shall be restricted to Lead Items Procurements only. Also as mentioned above we are excluding of developing hand clouded of Raw As Builts at Site.
We shall not exercise from our side to explore Geo-technical surveys in case of Civil Engineering, source fault level and upstream relay coordination in case of Electrical Engineering and the volume of occupancy in case of HVAC and Plumbing Designs.
If such critical data(s) are not made available to us then we shall not take responsibility of our assumptions.
We shall reserve rights to utilize predetermined sofwares of designing comfortable to us. Making validation of manual designs or software based design shall be our own choice.
We shall not entertain unreasonable imposing of any kind of revision of works to us. We shall reserve right to investigate whether the imposed revision of works are either reasonable or not.
However we do agree to issue two revisions of our deliverables, Rev.0 and Rev.01.
From Rev.02 onwards extra cost implications will apply.
We are excluding Involvement to Construction Equipments, temporary power facility, site facilities, sign boards, traffic diversions, consulting to tapping of permanent or temporary electrical, water ,drainage, telecommunications services at the site.
Our design services shall remain with in proximity of maximum 50 mtrs. from the exact project premises in terms of electrical, water ,drainage, telecommunications services at the site for which tie-ins has to be identified by the clients/contractors.
We shall not be responsible in case of site is deviated from either drawings approved from construction due to abnormal causes or drawings approved for construction are failing at the stage of implementation at site due to abnormal causes. We take approval of clients/contractors before they go to site implementation.
We shall also be not responsible if project planning is not followed by Main Construction Contractor or all Sub trades of all other contractors.
We strictly strike of our responsibilities if project finances are not maintained according to our consultations or project lead procurements either not approved or delayed in procurement approval from the client.
We shall not entertain too heavy acceleration or idling of site activities, frequent imposing of change orders or variation orders, non-compliance to our project management system on implementation phase
In such cases we shall be constrained to impose penalties to even our own clients also and all the subcontracting trades.
Rectifications to uncontrollable situations developed due to non compliance to our predefined Design Management and Project Management System shall enter to additional cost and time implications to control the situation and charges to be levied by us shall be three times higher than our normal quote of design management and construction management.
We shall not be contractually bound with immediate effect if either of our design management and construction management programme if not followed by the client.
Once again in such case we are not assuring any kind of guarantee, warrantee of our services related to Project Design Management, Planning Management, Cost Management, Procurement Management , Construction Management, Quality Management.
All the change orders shall have cost implications and it will be our sole decision to restrict or approve or not client’s proposal to change orders according to site running conditions. We may either reject the change orders or impose additional cost & time implications to client.
We shall not undertake any kind of design management or project management responsibility if Projects Commissioning reports are not delivered to us.
To enter in the Construction Management we shall recommend providing to us breathing time of at least four weeks to prepare partial Construction Management Deliverables in advance along with at least three weeks of time for getting approved for Construction. Above then this we will suggest two weeks of idle time to keep reserved as buffer time between stage of time point of approval of Construction deliverables and actual construction activities.
We shall not be responsible for construction programmes if our deliverables are not approved by clients with in two weeks of time.
While entering to ongoing, current Projects before entering to subject of Construction Management Programme to be delivered by us we shall examine the viability of entering to the Project. If our project viability studies doesn’t match our own criteria(s) set up by us then we shall make rejection of taking up of the Project from our end.
If the project is found viable to get entered at certain point of Construction then we shall declare viability from our side according to our terms and conditions. We shall put up contingency programme from which stage of Construction we shall implement our system of Construction Management.